Rules for this Award
1. Must thank the person who gave you the award and list their blog and link it.
2. Share "10 Honest things" about yourself.
3. Present this award to others whose blogs you find brilliant in content and/or design, or those who have encouraged you.
4. Tell those people they've been awarded HONEST SCRAP and inform them of these guidelines in receiving the award.
1. I am in love with the two T.V. shows: Dirty Jobs and 48 Hours...ok, and the Bachelor (but I have to admit, it’s the cheesiest and most dramatic show ever!)
2. My worst habit is popping my knuckles, back and neck. I'm going to be a crumpled-up old lady.
3. When I was little I loved the taste of dog food.
4. I think about being/becoming a mother on a daily basis.
5. Unless we have a lot of catching-up to do, I am not a big fan of "chatting" on the cellular...many of ya'll already know this.
6. I always, always pay attention to whether or not people have wedding rings on (male and female). I don't know why, it’s just one of those things. For example: I notice a couple in the store holding hands but the guy has a ring on and the girl doesn't. I know it's wrong, but my first thought is "where is his wife... must be at home with the kids. What a jerk".
7. I HATE pumping gas!
8. My most favorite smells are: fresh cut grass, old books and the way Bear smells when he first gets out of the shower and throws on an old t-shirt and comfy pants!
9. I am slightly OCD
10. I honestly, honestly believe I am a great driver. Barrier would not agree...he needs a xanax every time he rides with me.
I now present this award to: KATIE RIVERS
15 years ago